The major advantage of aqueous segregable sys tems with protolytic interaction over traditional extraction systems is the absence of organic solvents. The low toxicity of pyrazolone derivatives and some organic acids reacting with them, for example, sul fosalicylic and naphthalene 2 sulfonic acids, is responsible for the safety of extraction processes and compliance with green chemistry requirements.Extraction systems without an organic solvent belong to multicomponent systems, in which separa tion into two liquid phases is observed at certain com ponent concentrations. The most complete picture of phase equilibriums in these systems, which is neces sary for the optimization of extraction processes, can be obtained using physicochemical analysis and the construction of corresponding solubility diagrams. These diagrams make it possible not only to determine the boundaries of a segregation region and a numerical ratio between phase volumes in the system but also to make conclusions on interactions between the com ponents.Systems with antipyrine. For the first time, the presence of an equilibrium region of two liquid phases in the water-antipyrine-organic acid ternary systems was established in the 1950s. Chloral hydrate [1], ben zoic acid [2], salycilic acid [3], phenol [4], and resor cinol [5] were used as acidic components. Many of the test systems were separated into two liquid phases only at elevated temperatures. The presence of the liquid two phase equilibrium region in the water-antipy rine-organic acid ternary systems makes them poten tially suitable for the extraction of metal ions. Extrac tion can occur due to the formation of both cationic complexes with antipyrine and the ion associates of metal acid complexes with the protonated form of the reagent. Studies on the extraction capabilities of these systems were initiated at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Perm University in the early 1980s [6].As an example, Fig. 1 shows a solubility diagram of the water-antipyrine-naphthalene 2 sulfonic acid (NSA) system. The liquid two phase equilibrium region (II) (16.7% of the total area of the diagram) is surrounded from all sides by the region of homoge neous solutions (I) (41.2%). We failed to examine in detail the bottom part of the concentration triangle with high concentrations of solid components because of a long equilibration time and difficulty in phase sep aration. The eutonic and peritonic compositions were not determined; therefore, the boundary lines of crys tallization fields were drawn tentatively.It is possible to assume the occurrence of the crys tallization fields of antipyrine (III) and NSA (IV); the crystal hydrates of antipyrine (VIII) and NSA (XI); the chemical compound antipyrine⋅NSA (VII); the three phase equilibrium of the crystals of antipyrine, the chemical compound antipyrine⋅NSA, and a solu tion of the composition E 1 (V); the crystals of NSA, the chemical compound, and a solution of the compo sition Е 2 (VI); the crystallization of antipyrine, its Abstract-Data on aqueous ...