All known chemical properties of each of the elements 99 (Es) through 105 are reviewed and these properties are correlated with the electronic structure expected for 5/and 6 d elements. A major feature of the heavier actinides, which differentiates them from the comparable lanthanides, is the increasing stability of the divalent oxidation state with increasing atomic number. The divalent oxidation state first becomes observable in the anhydrous halides of californium and increases in stability through the series to nobelium, where this valency becomes predominant in aqueous solution. In this range of elements, the II -<· III oxidation potential decreases from ~ +1.5 to -1.5 volts. These observations lead to the conclusion that, in comparison with the analogous 4/electrons, the 5/ electrons in the latter part of the series are more tightly bound. Thus, there is a lowering of the 5/energy levels with respect to the Fermi level as the atomic number increases.The metallic state of the heavier actinides has not been investigated except from the viewpoint of the relative volatility among members of the series. In aqueous solutions, ions of these elements behave as "normal" trivalent actinides and lanthanides (except for nobelium). Their ionic radii decrease with increasing nuclear charge which is moderated because of increased screening of the outer 6 ρ electrons by the 5/electrons. These relative ionic radii have been obtained from comparisons of the elution position in chromatographic separations.Lawrencium (Lr) completes the actinide series of elements with an electronic configuration of 5 / 14 7 s J 7 p. From Mendeleev's periodicity and Dirac-Fock calculations, the next group of elements is expected to be a ¿/-transition series corresponding to the elements Hf through Hg. The chemical properties of elements 104 and 105 only have been studied and they indeed appear to show the properties expected of eka-Hf and eka-Ta. However, their nuclear lifetimes are so short and so few atoms can be produced that a rich variety of chemical information is probably unobtainable.