505tween actual composition and the experimental mean, however, are only -7.84% for the glutamic acid, +9.21% for lysine, and +8.24% for glycine.Analytical data on the amino acid composition of crystalline proteins such as d-lactoglobulin (Table II) and bovine serum albumin when determined by this method have been in good agreement with previously published (12, 13) values. In general, the procedures which have been described provide a less tedious, more rapid, and reasonably accurate approach to the analysis of protein hydrolyzates than has previously been available.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors wish to acknowledge the technical assistance of John Rosevear in the early stages of this work and to express thanks to C. F. Marquardt for the statistical evaluations and also to Jean Hogan and Janet Dunlevv for photographic assistance.