The aim of this study is to identify the level and main sources of stress as perceived by elite junior rhythmic gymnasts. Given that the Romanian Olympic Committee is interested in developing a programme meant to encourage junior gymnasts specialising in group event, we intend to monitor these parameters from the starting point of this team and contribute to increasing their ability to manage training and competition stress. The participants in this study were 10 junior gymnasts aged between 10 and 12 years, representing the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Group. Our research was carried out during the basic training period, followed by an assessment during the precompetitive period, prior to the European Junior Championships. The study used the Cognitrom Profile of Emotional Distress test as a research tool to assess the gymnasts' subjective experiences linked to their emotions and negative feelings related to their first long-term preparation stage in a centralised national training campus. Additionally, the subjects were asked to reveal their main sources of stress related to sports practice. The gymnasts were at first in an adjusting period, trying to cope with being away from family, different school settings, new teammates and coach, as well as dealing with different technical requirements during group routines. In the second assessment, their level of stress increased, its sources being different and related to the proximity of the competition. Our study emphasised a specific dynamics in the profile of emotional distress according to the periodisation framework, underlining the importance of developing appropriate coping mechanisms.