A more accurate approximation for the diffusion velocity in the space-charge layer of Schottky diodes is obtained. The influence of the dcpendence of the diffusion velocity on the applied voltage to the slope of I-Y characteristics, calculated by the combined thermionic emission-diffusion theory of current in Schottky diodes, is taken into account. It is shown that this influence is of the same magnitude as the image force effect on I-V characteristics of Schottky diodes on Si substrates with donor doping around 10'' ~m -~. n O J I y W H 0 6onee TOYHOe npw6n~rnee~e AJlR AH@@y3HOHHOfi CKOPOCTH B o6nacra IIpOCTpaHCTBeHHOrO 3apXAd AHOAOB mOTTKII. YWeHO BJIMRHHe 3aBHCHMOCTH ,I(A@@Y3AOHHO6 CKOPOCTH OT IlpJ!iJlOXeHHOrO HanpXXeHAX H a HaKJIOH BOnbT-aMnePHbIX XapaKTepHcTHK, BblYMCJIeHHbIX C nOMOUbH3 TePMOHOH-HOfi--AH4@Y3HOHHOfi TeOPAH TOKa fiH0nOB mOTTKH. nOKa3aHO YTO 3TO BnHXHHe TOG-Xe BeJIHYMHhl KaK A BJIAIlHHe CHJI 3epKaJIbHOrO ~3 0 6 p a r n e~~a H a BOJIbT-aMllepHbIX XapaKTepHCTMKaX ,I(AO,L(OB U O T T K H H a IIO&JIOXeK KPeMHHR C KOHWHTPaUHefi AOHOPOB loi5 Cm-3. -1is the diffusion velocity in the space-charge layer of the Schottky diode. All other symbols have their common meaning. or differs from (k7'/27~rn*)''~, given by the elementary kinetic theory of gases, because of quantum-mechanical tunneling and reflection of electrons at the metal-semiconductor interface. As is evident from the definition of ud, the most important contribution to the integral comes from the region near the metal-semiconductor interface where the electric field is high. Therefore one may expect that the electron diffusion coefficient, D,, in this part of the space-charge layer is smaller than the field free value of D obtained ') Boul. Tsarigradsko