Obtaining winter diesel fuel is an expensive and complex process, in which paraffinic hydrocarbons are removed from the fuel. Today, the consumption of winter diesel fuel in Russia has reached its maximum, and the volume produced is not enough to meet the needs of the Russian market. Therefore, obtaining winter diesel fuel from summer grades, by adding a depressant additive, remains relevant. The most common depressants are ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers. The effectiveness of depressant-dispersant additives depends on the fractional and group hydrocarbon composition of diesel fuel. Also, the physicochemical characteristics of the paraffins contained in the fuel play an important roleDuring long-term storage of fuel, depressants do not prevent fuel stratification. Therefore, together with a depressant additive, a paraffin dispersant is used, the composition of such additives includes mainly amides and imides of mono- and dicarboxylic acids. Dewaxol 7801 depressant and dispersant additive is a specially selected composition based on surfactants and copolymers in a hydrocarbon solvent. The use of this additive makes it possible to improve the low-temperature performance of diesel fuel without affecting other properties. From the low-temperature properties of diesel fuel, we have chosen the limiting filterability temperature, since it is this temperature that characterizes the real working conditions. When the maximum filterability temperature is reached, the n-paraffin crystals reach sizes exceeding the pore diameters of the filters, the fuel is not pumped through the fine filters of the high-pressure fuel pump, and the fluidity of the fuel deteriorates. The article shows the effect of Dewaxol 7801, a depressant-dispersant additive, on summer diesel fuel, in various concentrations and when the fuel is heated from 40 to 60 degrees in steps of 10 degrees.