A cDNA clone encoding a larval-pupal cuticular protein, named TMLPCP-22, has been isolated by screening a library in expression vector with a monoclonal antibody made against pupal cuticular proteins of Tenehrio molitor: Northern-blot and in situ hybridization analyses showed that the expression of TMLPCP-22 is regulated in a stage-specific and tissue-specific manner; the transcript was present during the secretion of preecdysial larval and pupal cuticles and was restricted to epidermal cells. No expression was observed during adult cuticle deposition. In supernumerary pupae obtained after application of a juvenile hormone analogue, which is known to inhibit the adult programme, TMLPCP-22 mRNA was expressed again, confirming its larval-pupal specificity.Keywords: insect; cuticle; cDNA; gene expression; metamorphosis.Insects are limited by an exoskeleton, the cuticle, composed mainly of proteins and chitin, which forms a barrier between the animal and the environment and also limits its growth. Therefore, insect development is characterized by a periodic renewing of the cuticle (moulting process), including periodic shedding of the old cuticle (ecdysis). In holometabolous insects, the adult stage is reached after two metamorphic moults (pupal and adult moults) ; these dramatic changes require a considerable shift in gene expression, which is mainly controlled by two hormones, moulting hormone or 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone.The structure and composition of cuticles, either larval, pupal or adult, may be very different, as demonstrated in several species by electrophoretic analyses (Srivastava, 1970; Roberts and Willis, 1980a,b;Chihara et al., 1982;Sridhara, 1983). In Tenehrio molitor (Insecta Coleoptera), previous studies (Roberts and Willis, 1980a,b; Lemoine and Delachambre, 1986; Lemoine et al., 1990) have shown that larval and pupal cuticle protein patterns are very similar, in contrast to the adult pattern. These differences suggest that the main changes in epidermal gene expression occur at the pupal-adult transition. Two preecdysial adult-specific cDNAs were previously isolated in this species ; TMACP-20 and TMACP-22, encoding proteins secreted during the deposition of preecdysial adult cuticle (Bouhin et al., 1992a; Charles et al., '1992). The corresponding mRNAs did not appear in supernumerary pupae obtained after juvenile hormone analoguc (methoprene) application, showing that adult-specific cuticular gene expression is inhibited by methoprene.The aim of the present study was to isolate a larval-pupalspecific marker in Tenebrio, in order to compare its regulation Correspontlence to 1. Rondot, CNRS URA 674, UniversitC de Bourgogne, 6 Boulevard Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France Abbreviation.c.. TMACP, Tenebrio molitor adult cuticular protein; TMLPCP, Tenebrio molitor larval-pupal cuticular protein.Note. The novel nucleotide and amino acid sequence data published here have been deposited with the EMBL sequence data bank and are available under the accession number X87983.to those of adult-speci...