Congress Question 63 ‘What role is played by multidisciplinary dialogue to achieve sustainable development goals?’ sought to explore how a multidisciplinary approach can be enhanced with improved interactions and new layers to engage in the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) more effectively. In addressing these questions, some 39 papers summarized findings from about 24 countries representing substantially different economic situations, climate, farming systems and water resources. The papers illustrated the potential of irrigated agriculture to help end poverty (SDG 1), end hunger (SDG 2), to promote collaboration and investments (SDG 17) and sustain water‐related ecosystems (SDG 14 and SDG 15). The papers highlight the need for increased, and improved, exchange of information among multiple stakeholders involved in agricultural production systems, from field level, through the supply chain, to the consumers of the food and fibre created. Furthermore, a continued focus on capacity development among stakeholders in the sector is essential with improved communication of the value and challenges of agricultural water management beyond the immediate stakeholders (farmers, system operators, water sector regulators, etc.). As greater attention is directed towards the role of agricultural water use in the management of water resources and related ecosystems, the irrigation and drainage profession must communicate more effectively with the broader society to maintain a ‘social license to operate’.