The number of inelastic mean free path (IMFP) values for Ge available in the literature is limited. In the present work, elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) was used to determine the IMFPs in native Ge oxide and sputtered Ge. The Ge surfaces are rough and differ in surface composition, the chemical bonding state of atoms at the surface and the density of the surface layer. Two analysers were used -a high-resolution hemispherical analyser (ADES-400) and a retarding field analyser (RFA) -for two experimental EPES procedures, one with a Cu standard (ADES-400) and one without a standard (RFA).The aim of the present work was to verify the applicability of the EPES method to technological Ge surfaces. The EPES method was found to be a convenient tool for investigating IMFPs in such samples. The influence of varying surface composition, chemical state of atoms and density on the measured IMFPs resulting from EPES and the IMFPs resulting from the TPP-2M and the G1 of Gries predictive formulae was analysed. Comparison between measured and predicted IMFPs for the same Ge surfaces, enclosing the estimate of the overall statistical and systematic error of the above methods, was made. The error in the IMFPs resulting from EPES due to accuracy of input parameters for the Monte Carlo algorithm was discussed.