Studies of water adsorption and desorption on silica gel with a modified derivatograph are described. The dynamic gas chromatography step profile method was used to determine isotherms of adsorption and desorption from the TG curve. The obtained isotherms agree with those from other methods. The properties of surface liquid layers can be investigated by this method.Kinetic adsorption investigations give valuable information on the filling of macropores and micropores in minerals. The rate of adsorption of a gas or vapour on a solid depends, among other things, on the diffusion coefficient, which in turn depends on many factors, such as the porosity, the granule zone radius, the adsorbate concentration in the carrier gas and in the adsorbent, and the physicochemical properties of the surface [1-3].The desorption ofa vapour or gas from a mineral surface is a reversible process relative to adsorption. The results of desorption process investigations provide interesting conclusions concerning the bonding energy of molecules adsorbed on the solid surface, the activation energy [4,5] or the adsorbed molecules, and the vicinal adsorption layer structure [3].There are two recognized methods of measuring the adsorption and desorption of liquid vapour: static and dynamic.In the static methods [1], the sample investigated is placed in a liquid vapour atmosphere. When equilibrium is attained, the amount of adsorbed vapour and the equilibrium pressure are checked. The difference between the adsorbate introduced
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