canada urgently requires a population health approach to children's mental health-promoting health and preventing disorders, in addition to providing treatment. Underpinning this approach, indicators could enable population monitoring, thereby informing ongoing public investments. to investigate potential indicators for British columbia, we developed a comprehensive population health framework, established selection guidelines, reviewed data sources, and identified sample indicators. while 15 survey and administrative sources yielded 90 indicators, there were significant imbalances in coverage of the framework. to create truly comprehensive children's mental health indicators, we therefore recommend collecting new data, enhancing existing data sources, and evaluating existing programs. RéSuMé en matière de santé mentale des enfants, il est urgent que le canada se dote d'une approche axée sur la santé de la population si nous voulons favoriser la santé et prévenir les problèmes en plus d'offrir des traitements. cette approche devrait s'appuyer sur des indicateurs qui permettraient de faire un suivi de la santé de la population, et donc de guider les investissements publics en cours. dans cette étude, dans le but de suggérer de tels indicateurs pour la colombie-Britannique, nous avons conçu un cadre visant à donner une vue d'ensemble de la santé de la population, élaboré des lignes directrices pour le choix des indicateurs, évalué des sources de données et déterminé des indicateurs possibles. nous avons ainsi retenu 15 enquêtes charlotte waddell, canada research chair in children's health Policy, children's health Policy centre, Faculty of health sciences, simon Fraser University. cody a. shepherd, children's health Policy centre, Faculty of health sciences, simon Fraser University. alice chen, Faculty of health sciences, simon Fraser University. michael h. Boyle, canada research chair in social determinants of child health, offord centre for child studies, Faculty of health sciences, mcmaster University.we are grateful to our funders, British columbia's ministry of children and Family development and the human early learning Partnership. we also thank Kimberley mcewan, Jayne Barker, wayne Jones, and British columbia's child and Youth mental health network for their contributions to this project.