Observation of coherent oscillations in the 2D electronic spectra (2D ES) of photosynthetic proteins has led researchers to ask whether nontrivial quantum phenomena are biologically significant. Coherent oscillations have been reported for the soluble light-harvesting phycobiliprotein (PBP) antenna isolated from cryptophyte algae. To probe the link between spectral properties and protein structure, we determined crystal structures of three PBP light-harvesting complexes isolated from different species. Each PBP is a dimer of αβ subunits in which the structure of the αβ monomer is conserved. However, we discovered two dramatically distinct quaternary conformations, one of which is specific to the genus Hemiselmis. Because of steric effects emerging from the insertion of a single amino acid, the two αβ monomers are rotated by ∼73°to an "open" configuration in contrast to the "closed" configuration of other cryptophyte PBPs. This structural change is significant for the light-harvesting function because it disrupts the strong excitonic coupling between two central chromophores in the closed form. The 2D ES show marked cross-peak oscillations assigned to electronic and vibrational coherences in the closedform PC645. However, such features appear to be reduced, or perhaps absent, in the open structures. Thus cryptophytes have evolved a structural switch controlled by an amino acid insertion to modulate excitonic interactions and therefore the mechanisms used for light harvesting.X-ray crystallography | quantum coherence | protein evolution | excitonic switching L ight-harvesting complexes capture and funnel the energy from light using organic chromophore molecules that are bound to scaffolding proteins. The protein structure thereby sets the relative positions and orientations of the chromophores to control excitation transport. In other words, the protein plays a deciding role in building the "electronic Hamiltonian"-the electronic coupling between chromophores and the chromophoric energy landscape that directs energy flow. This strong connection between structural biology and physics means that ultrafast light-harvesting functions are under genetic and evolutionary control. Cryptophytes, a group of marine and freshwater single-celled algae, are an intriguing example, because one of their light-harvesting antenna complexes was completely reengineered by combining a unique bilin-binding polypeptide with a single subunit from the ancestral red algal phycobilisome (1, 2). Here we report a further example of biological manipulation of this phycobiliprotein (PBP) light-harvesting system. We have discovered an elegant but powerful genetic switch that converts the common form of this PBP into a distinct structural form in which the mechanism underpinning light harvesting is vastly different-in essence because strong excitonic interactions within the PBP are switched from on to off.The crystal structure of the cryptophyte PBP phycoerythrin PE545 from Rhodomonas CS24 showed that the protein is a dimer of two αβ monomers (3, ...