The paper proposes recommendations for a minimum level of searching for data for key parameters in decision-analytic models of cost-effectiveness and describes sources of evidence relevant to each parameter type. Key parameters are defined as treatment effects, adverse effects, costs, resource use, health state utility values (HSUVs) and baseline risk of events. The recommended minimum requirement for treatment effects is comprehensive searching according to available methodological guidance. For other parameter types the minimum is the searching of one bibliographic database plus, where appropriate, specialist sources and non-research based and non-standard format sources. The recommendations draw on the search methods literature and on existing analyses of how evidence is used to support decision-analytic models. They take account of the range of research and non-research based sources of evidence used in cost-effectiveness models and of the need for efficient searching. Consideration is given to what constitutes best evidence for the different parameter types in terms of design and scientific quality and to making transparent the judgments that underpin the selection of evidence from the options available. Methodological issues are discussed including the differences between decision-analytic models of cost-effectiveness and systematic reviews when searching and selecting evidence and comprehensive versus sufficient searching. Areas are highlighted where further methodological research is required.
Key points for decision makers
Procedural guidance on how to search for evidence for key model parameters does not exist resulting in inconsistent search practice and a lack of transparency A minimum search requirement across all key model parameters is proposed Identification of evidence for key model parameters 2 Important considerations are taken into account including the diverse range of evidence used in models and the need for efficient searching