In this investigation, the land use and land cover change detection are applied on a tropical basin, 10 change detection methods have been evaluated; nine of these are classified like a methods based on pixels and the last corresponds to the classified object method. Eleven images were acquired from the Landsat satellite in the period between 1986 and 2016. The percentages of change area according to each change detection method of pre-classification were: (a) Image difference: 7%-10%, (b) Image ratioing: 0.5%-3%, (c) NDVI image difference: 1%-4%, and (d) Principal component image difference: 4%-10%. The post-classification methods contributed with the preclassification methods in a better approximation to the area difference proportion associated to each land use/land cover occurred in the study zone. Among the postclassification methods, it was found that the support vector machine provide results more approximate between these and their accuracy indexes are upper than those obtained through the maximum likelihood algorithm.