Abstract: In the article, the author presents an original technology for assessing the efficiency of housing fund reproduction. According to the presented methodology, the author suggests assessing the efficiency of housing fund reproduction based on two aspects:
first, the indicator of condition, which is an integral indicator determined based on a group of aggregated indicators related to main directions of housing market development; second, the indicator of dynamicsa growth coefficient calculated as a geometric mean of growth coefficients in social, technical, investment and market indicators. To interpret and visualize obtained data concerning integral indicators assessing the efficiency of housing fund reproduction, the author has upgraded the Harrington scale by supplementing it with values of the reviewed ranges of the average growth coefficient, which characterizes the pace of housing fund reproduction. This upgrade has allowed the author to transform the scale into a two-dimensional matrix and to highlight efficiency areas in it, namely high, above-average, below-average and low, which are recommended for the assessment of reproductive activities on federal, regional and municipal levels. The visualization has helped the author build a development trajectory for housing fund reproduction within certain chronological frames based on the aggregate of objects under study.
Keywords: housing fund reproduction, integral indicator for assessing the efficiency, dynamics of housing fund reproduction, assessment matrix.broadened or narrowed.Chronological frames can be determined in accordance with the goals of assessment, e.g. to assess a new housing policy (timeframes are tied to a date, on which the new policy is introduced) or to assess post-crisis recovery (starting point of assessment corresponds to a crisis period), etc. Data obtained in the course of assessment can be used for benchmarking [24], rating compilation, formation of housing programs and development of roadmaps for constituent entities.