A study was undertaken to model growth of Salmonella on tomatoes for developing and validating a predictive model for use in risk assessment. Cylindrical portions (0.14 g) of Roma tomato pulp were inoculated with a low dose (0.89 log MPN) of Salmonella Newport. The inoculated tomato portions were incubated for 0–8 h at 16–40 °C in 2 °C increments to obtain most probable number (MPN) data for model development and validation. A multiple‐layer feedforward neural network model with two hidden layers of two nodes each was developed. The proportion of residuals in an acceptable prediction zone (pAPZ) from −1 (fail‐safe) to 0.5 log (fail‐dangerous) was 0.93 (194/209) for dependent data and 0.96 (86/90) for independent data for interpolation. A pAPZ ≥0.7 indicated that the model provided acceptable predictions. Thus, the model was successfully validated. It was also validated for extrapolation to seven other Salmonella serotypes.