1Introduction b-adrenergic agonists (b-AA), commonlyk nowna sc lenbuterol, is akind of drugthat can significantly reduce adipose tissue accretionb ythe combinede ffects of inhibiting fatty acid biosynthesis and concurrently stimulating triacylglycerol( TAG) lipolysis,o rh ydrolysis [1].I nt his work, the detected brombuterol ( Brom, methyl] benzyl alcohol) is ak ind of b-AA [2].B rom has been used as the growth promoting agent and feed additive for cattle,s heep,p oultry and otherl ivestock on account of it significantly improved the carcass lean percentage,w eight gain and feed conversion rate [3]. b-AA residues in food from foodproducing animals may pose ar isk on human health, such as headache,m uscular pain, cardiac palpitation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever and even death [4].C hina and some other countries have listed the b-AA as directory of prohibited drugs for animals.S ome illegal businessmen are optingt or educe their input costs whicha re primarily made up of feed costsi ns earch for ab etter profit margin [5,6].B rom is used as feed additive,t herefore the means for detecting residues in food and feed are badly in need of enhancement.At present, the b-AA detectionm ethodsa re mainly containing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [ 7],m agnetic solid-phase extraction method (MSPE)[ 8],u ltra-highp erformance liquid chromatography (UHPLC/MS/MS) [9,10],l iquid chromatographymass spectrometry (LC-MS) [11],e nzyme-linked immu-nosorbent assay (ELISA) [ 2,12],g as chromatographymasss pectrometry (GC-MS) [13],e tc. With the disadvantages of sample treatment for al ong time,c umbersome detectionp rocess and difficult to operate,e xpensivei nstruments,p henomenon of false positives, the practical applications are limited. In this paper, electrochemical immunosensor prepared by competition immune method has been ak ind of practicalv alue and scientific value of detectingB rom.Electrochemiluminescence (ECL),a lso known as electric chemical luminescence,i sakind of analytical techniques combining the characteristics of the controllability of electrochemical potential and the high sensitivity of the luminescence analysis, which has become one of the mostp owerful analysis techniques [14][15][16].I nr ecent years,e lectrochemicall uminescence immunoassay (ECLIA) as ap owerful bioanalysis technique is composedo fE CL and immunoassayw ith values of specific identification, stability,s implified optical setup, high sen-Abstract:Asignal amplifications trategy for electrochemiluminescence (ECL)i mmunosensor was designed based on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and L-cysteine capped CdSe QDs for highly sensitive detection of brombuterol( Brom) in the presence of K 2 S 2 O 8 as the co-reactant. Therein, AuNPs as the substrate can simplify the experiment process, accelerate the electron transfer rate, and enhance the ECL signal. In the presence of Brom standard solution, coating antigen immobilized on the electrode surface via AuNPs would compete with Brom for the limited binding sites of the CdSeQ Ds labeled Bro...