Photoinduced controlled radical polymerization (CRP) technique, has been utilized to graft methyl acrylate (MA) and di(ethylene glycol) 5 ethyl ether acrylate (DEGA) from filter paper. Grafting of MA was performed from α-bromoisobutyryl bromide functionalised papers. The amount of polymer grafted on the surface could be regulated by modifying the target DP of the reaction. SEC of cleaved linear polymer grafts showed that the grafting from filter papers proceeded with different kinetics compared to polymerisations from a free initiator added to the reaction mixture, resulting in higher dispersity. Furthermore, filter paper were polymerised with α-chloro-εcaprolactone by surface-initiated ring opening polymerization, rendering linear grafts containing initiating function through-out the main 10 chain. This functionality was subsequently utilized for the photoinduced CRP grafting of DEGA, yielding a graft-on-graft structure, which resulted in a thermoresponsive cellulose surface. A photoinduced CRP system, adapted from Haddleton and coworkers, 22 which utilises UV-light to generate Cu(I) catalyst complexes from Cu(II) without the use of a reducing agent, has successfully been employed to graft MA and DEGA from 110 PAPER This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry [year] [journal], [year], [vol], 00-00 | 5 5 10 15 Fig. 2 (a) Unmodified sample swelled in DMSO and dried before FE-SEM analysis (b) unmodified sample swelled in DMSO and dried before FE-SEM analysis, (c) BiB-PMA600, (d) BiB-PMA600. 20 25 30 35Scheme 1 UV induced controlled radical polymerisation of MA from S-S BiB modified filter paper.