“…59) was interested in shoot tips and apical meristems (Ball and Boell 1944;Ball 1946Ball , 1972, ''the capacity for growth and development of vegetative plant cells,'' ''polarity of the buds and subjacent cells,'' ''the relation between respiration and development, independence of the tip from the rest of the plant, production of subjacent tissues by the apex,'' and the ''totipotentiality of all living plant cells'' (Ball 1946). He excised and cultured shoot apices of nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus L. (''55 l high and 140 l thick''), and lupin, Lupinus albus L. (''81 l high and 250 l thick''); the sections were 400-430 l 3 in volume (Ball 1946). 'Ernie' Ball (J.A.…”