Previously we described a novel method for clading elemental carbon onto the surface of catalytically activated silica by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using hexane as the carbon source and its use as a substitute for carbon clad zirconia.1,2 In that method, we showed that very close to exactly one uniform monolayer of Al (III) was deposited on the silica by a process analogous to precipitation from homogeneous solution in order to preclude pore blockage. The purpose of the Al(III) monolayer layer is to activate the surface for subsequent CVD of carbon. In this work, we present an improved procedure for preparing the carbon clad silica (denoted CCSi) phases along with a new column packing process. The new method yields CCSi phases having better efficiency, peak symmetry and higher retentivity compared to carbon clad zirconia.
The enhancements were achieved by modifying the original procedure in three ways: first. the kinetics of the deposition of Al(III) were more stringently controlled, second the CVD chamber was flushed with a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gas during the carbon cladding process to minimize generation of polar sites by oxygen incorporation, and third the fine particles generated during the CVD process were exhaustively removed by flotation in an appropriate solvent.