With the expansion of proton radiotherapy for cancer treatments, it has become important to explore proton-based imaging technologies to increase the accuracy of proton treatment planning, alignment, and verification. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of using a volumetric liquid scintillator to generate proton radiographs at a clinically relevant energy (180 MeV) using an integrating detector approach. The volumetric scintillator detector is capable of capturing a wide distribution of residual proton beam energies from a single beam irradiation. It has the potential to reduce acquisition time and imaging dose compared to other proton radiography methods. The imaging system design is comprised of a volumetric (20 × 20 × 20 cm 3 ) organic liquid scintillator working as a residual-range detector and a charge-coupled device (CCD) placed along the beams'-eye-view for capturing radiographic projections. The scintillation light produced within the scintillator volume in response to a 3-dimensional distribution of residual proton beam energies is captured by the CCD as a 2-dimensional grayscale image. A light intensity-to-water equivalent thickness (WET) curve provided WET values based on measured light intensities. The imaging properties of the system, including its contrast, signal-to-noise ratio, and spatial resolution (0.19 line-pairs/mm) were determined. WET values for selected Gammex phantom inserts including solid water, acrylic, and cortical bone were calculated from the radiographs with a relative accuracy of −0.82%, 0.91%, and −2.43%, respectively. Image blurring introduced by system optics was accounted for, resulting in sharper image features. Finally, the system's ability to reconstruct proton CT images from radiographic projections was demonstrated