An Oracle® relational database was integrated with a data management system including custom-made user interface, surface modeling, and three-dimensional (3D) modeling tools to produce an easily updatable 3D hydrogeologic model of the Virttaankangas aquifer, southwestern Finland. The area will be used to provide the 285,000 inhabitants of the Turku region with artificially recharged groundwater. The implementation of this artificial recharge project requires capabilities to store and process a variety of data, which are updating on a daily basis. The database and the integrated modeling tools allow the user to concentrate on the interpretation of geologic factors and their interactions and to have an access to the most up-to-date 3D hydrogeologic model, while the common and laborious routine tasks have been automated. Integration of the geodatabase, 3D hydrogeologic model, groundwater flow model and possible solute transport models can be used to reach the quantitative understanding of the aquifer system. During the process, the benefits of using geologic models and other visualization tools can be applied to many sectors involved with the artificial infiltration project.