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Abstract:A computational study is described where a 2-D elliptic cylinder is insonified by a plane, monochromatic acoustic wave. The elliptic cross section of the cylinder has a fineness ratio of 5:1, the incidence angle of the plane wave is 30° and 60° relative to the major axis of the ellipse, and ka = 20, where a is the major axis of the elliptic cross section and k is the acoustic wavenumber. The calculations are performed using the finite element method of solution for partial differential equations. The MATLAB® Partial Differential Equations Toolbox was used to formulate and solve the Helmholtz equation with reflection-free conditions imposed on the computational outer boundary, and rigid conditions imposed on the surface of the scatterer. Of particular practical interest in this study is the spatial distribution of the total active acoustic intensity, i.e., the sum of the incident and scattered intensity components. Active intensity amplitude, and the phase between pressure and particle velocity, are computed and compared to pressure amplitude only. The results show that there is significant phase distortion in the forward scattered direction that could be useful in localizing targets in active bi-static operations if p-u type acoustic intensity probes were employed. The effects of reverberation on intensity measurements in active target localization systems are also discussed. This can have an effect on the phase results if the source is operating under steady-state conditions. If the source is operated with a short transient signal, the effect of reverberation is non-existent.