“…Remote sensing provides a unique method for obtaining albedos at regional and global scales. Efforts have been devoted to establish the methodologies to retrieve albedos from satellite remote sensing data, and significant progress has been achieved over the past few decades, including narrow‐to‐broadband conversions (Liang, Strahler, & Walthall, ), bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) angular modeling (Lucht et al, ; Schaaf et al, ; Wanner et al, ; You et al, ), direct‐estimation algorithms based on linear regression models (Cui, Mitomi, & Takamura, ; He et al, ; Qu et al, ), and joint optimal algorithms to estimate albedos from geostationary satellite data (Govaerts et al, ). Albedo products have been generated using the above algorithms, including albedos derived from the advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) (Saunders, ), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) (Gao et al, ), Polarization and Directionality of Earth Reflectances (Bicheron & Leroy, ), Meteosat Second Generation (Govaerts et al, ; Leeuwen & Roujean, ), and Medium‐Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (Muller, ).…”