The purpose of this paper is to present the altitude control algorithm for quadrotor to be able to fly at a particular altitude. Several previous researchers have conducted studies on quadrotor altitude by using PID control but there are problems in the overshoot and oscillation. To optimize the control, tunning on PID algorithm must be first conducted to determine proportional and derivative constants. Hence, the paper presents altitude control modification by using PID-like fuzzy without tuning. The PID algorithm is a control algorithm for linear systems. While, system to be controlled is a non-linear, so that linearization is needed by using equilibrium. The proposed algorithm is a modification of the PID algorithm used as an altitude control which enables quadrotor to be stable when hovering. The algorithm used is not PID algorithm with tuning using fuzzy, but this is a single input single output (SISO) control PID-like fuzzy linear programming. The result of the research shows that quadrotor can hover in a rapid raise time, steady state and settling time without performing overshoot and oscillation.