This milestone report summarizes recent work to investigate higher fidelity modeling and simulation practices for large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA) analysis in high-burnup pressurized water reactor (PWR) cores. Because of current industry interest in extending fuel cycle lengths ranging from 18 to 24-months, the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program has been investigating the susceptibility of high-burnup core designs to fuel fragmentation, release, and dispersal (FFRD) during accident conditions such as LBLOCA. This work has prioritized developing and demonstrating a methodology for calculating core-wide susceptibility to FFRD and addressing uncertainties identified in the analysis and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Research Information Letter on FFRD. Part of this investigation seeks to quantify differences between system-level thermal hydraulic behavior and higher fidelity subchannel modeling methods to identify potential safety concerns or opportunities to minimize FFRD susceptibility.To this end, the NEAMS subchannel code, CTF, is being used, along with the NRC system analysis code TRACE, for analysis of LBLOCA in a core containing high-burnup fuel. This project includes two thrusts: (1) improving on the existing TRACE model for a 4-loop PWR for LBLOCA so that the model is higher fidelity and consistent with current USNRC best practices, and (2) using CTF to perform pinresolved modeling of the core region of the reflood phase of a LBLOCA in a high-burnup PWR.Although CTF includes a wide range of closure models for modeling LOCA conditions, these models have not been assessed during recent CTF development activities, so the first step is to validate CTF using loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) reflood experiments. A sensitivity study was also performed to identify high-impact models, which were then reviewed and corrected as needed. To strengthen the assessment, a code-to-code benchmark was performed against TRACE for these conditions. Both highand low-flooding rate tests from the FEBA reflood experiments were modeled using lumped and pinresolved CTF models, and the models were compared against lumped pin TRACE results. The lumped CTF and TRACE models demonstrated good agreement with experimental peak cladding temperatures (PCT) for all axial levels except near the top of the bundle. CTF pin-resolved PCT predictions were good for all thermocouple locations except for those facing the center subchannel, which were predicted to be about 40 K too low. A study on radial effects on the pin-resolved model was performed, and advanced CTF spacer grid droplet breakup and quenching models were tested to demonstrate the impact on better cooling the top of the bundle for better agreement with experimental data.Several modifications and improvements were made to the full-system TRACE model in this work, to better align the model with industry and NRC best practices and improve the accuracy of the LBLOCA predictions. This included converting to the best-practice 3D vessel comp...