The inherent aeromechanical complexity of a rotor system necessitated the comprehensive analysis code for helicopter rotor system. In the present study, an aerodynamic analysis module has been developed as a part of rotorcraft comprehensive program. Aerodynamic analysis module is largely classified into airload calculation routine and inflow analysis routine. For airload calculation, quasi-steady analysis model is employed based on the blade element method with the correction of unsteady aerodynamic effects. In order to take unsteady effects -body motion effects and dynamic stall -into account, aerodynamic coefficients are corrected by considering Leishman-Beddoes's unsteady model. Various inflow models and vortex wake models are implemented in the aerodynamic module to consider wake induced inflow. Specifically, linear inflow, dynamic inflow, prescribed wake and free wake model are integrated into the present module. The aerodynamic characteristics of each method are compared and validated against available experimental data such as Elliot's induced inflow distribution and sectional normal force coefficients of AH-1G. In order to validate unsteady aerodynamic model, 2-D unsteady model for NACA0012 airfoil is validated against aerodynamic coefficients of McAlister's experimental data.