Objectives: This study aims to examine the effects interpersonal skills (leadership and communication) as part of non-technical skills on bridge officers at critical times and bridge watches. Methods/Statistical analysis: A total of 40 questions, out of which 25 questions with 5-point Likert scales, 2 questions with multiple choices, and 13 demographic questions were filled by 400 seafarers via online survey method. Explanatory factor analysis was performed using Varimax, Kaiser Normalization Rotation Method, and Principal Components Analysis to reduce survey's items in low dimensions. Scree plot test, eigenvalues-greater-than-1 rule, explanatory percentage of the total variance, Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient, Split half method Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient were used in factor analysis. Findings: Some dimensions have significant relationships. There is a weak positive statistical correlation between teamwork skills and sharing workload, leadership, personal attitudes, operational safety decision-making, communication. This result supports the hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2 that there is a relationship between teamwork skills and communication, personal attitudes. So, while the leadership is increasing, personal attitudes, operational safety decisionmaking, communication will be getting better supporting hypothesis 3 which is revealed that there is a relationship between leadership and communication. Finally, it is found that there is a weak positive statistical correlation between operational safety decision-making and communication. Applications: The psychology and non-technical skills of the bridge team and other crew members play an important role in minimizing the occurrence marine accidents. .