Currently in Australia, there remains no proven technology available for recycling of lithium ion batteries. The purpose of the research undertaken in this thesis is to provide an outline of the current lithium-ion battery-recycling problem whilst taking a closer look into alternative hydrometallurgical solutions. Lithium ion batteries have been used in portable handheld devices for several decades, but with companies like Tesla venturing into the electric vehicle (EV) and grid energy storage market, recycling is becoming more of a necessity in this technological evolution. As researched, the majority of consumer portable handheld devicesmobile phones -are comprised of the lithium cobalt oxide formulation (LiCoO2) with a combination of other metals introduced to enhance various aspects of performance.To date many companies across the world have attempted to develop their own-patented recycling techniques. Some are solely pyrometallurgical, whilst others, such as the Umicore process rely on a combination of techniques. The methodology used was designed in conjunction with the Toxco method whereby the battery would undertake a dismantling phase, before acid leaching and precipitation and finally into the creation of a new lithium-ion battery.Optimizing the leaching process was the main aim of this investigation in order to achieve a maximum leaching efficiency possible before precipitation. However, with laboratory issues and large time delays from ICP-OES testing, the results required were not met. The most efficient leaching reagent was that of sulphuric acid combined with sodium metabisulfite with an efficiency of roughly 6.5%. The remaining three solutions sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid with sodium persulfate and hydrochloric acid achieved efficiencies all under 2.5%.These irregularly low efficiencies meant that precipitation was not possible due to the lack of cobalt in the solution. As such, a new battery was created using the lithium cobalt oxide recovered from the original iPhone battery. Using two ratios 8:1:1 (LCO:Carbon:PVDF) and 9:1 (LCO:PVDF) the new batteries was assembled and tested. The results suggested that the addition of the carbon allowed a more stable electron flow from the cathode to the anode with a 74.55 % difference in charge transfer resistance to that of the non-super P cell.
Mech4501 -Engineering Thesis Final Report iv Blake Dykes -This area is one of significant importance for future development and despite technical challenges there is a large scope within this field. Future recommendations would be avoid using ICP as an analysis method due to the month-long delays making development very difficult. Instead, it is recommended that the AAS system is used.Furthermore, the acid concentrations must be increased for the experiments to provide an indicative indication of acids ability to successfully leach cobalt from the exhausted batteries.It is interesting to note that sulphuric acid, being the cheapest, is sufficient in providing the best efficiency provided that a reducing age...