The measurement of attitudes is a critical endeavour in the realm of social and psychological research, enabling a deeper understanding of human behaviours, preferences, and beliefs. Constructing a reliable and valid scale to assess attitudes requires a systematic approach that encompasses various stages, such as conceptualization, item generation, scale refinement, pilot testing, psychometric analysis, and validation. A summated (Likert) rating scale was used to develop the scale. A total of 60 statements, consisting of 45 positive and 15 negative statements, were framed, of which 22 statements (19 positive and 3 negative) were retained in the final scale. The reliability of the scale was calculated by using the split-half method. The validity of the scale was tested by experts’ judgment. The psychometric properties of the scale include: the Pearson product-moment correlation between two sets was 0. 0.598; reliability of the test 0.748(P<0.01) and Cronbach = 0.759, which means the scale is consistent in measurement. This scale can be used to measure the attitude of students in similar situations outside the study area with suitable modifications.