Manufacturing of unfired bricks, in which fines are stabilized using cementitious or chemical 12 binders, has huge potential to incorporate various wastes as a building construction material.
13Although researchers have successfully attempted various wastes in unfired bricks at the 14 laboratory scale, their industrial-scale incorporation is still limited and unexplored. From an 15 industrial point of view, mix proportions, mixing strategies, molding methods, and curing 16 conditions are of equal importance. However, the unavailability of comprehensive knowledge 17 related to manufacturing aspects hampers the industrial-scale implementation of research 18 outcomes regarding waste incorporation in unfired bricks. This study summarizes the research 19 outcomes related to waste incorporated unfired bricks, highlighting the manufacturing aspects 20 from the industrial point of view. In this paper, mix proportions attempted, approaches for 21 selecting the liquid content, adopted mixing strategies, compaction parameters, and curing 22 conditions in previous studies are discussed for various waste incorporated bricks. Studies are 23 classified based on the binder used for stabilization, and the effects of influencing parameters on 24 the mechanical performance of bricks are discussed in detail. Furthermore, some industrial 25 challenges related to unfired brick production in Indian scenario are discussed. Studies related to 26 mixture proportioning, mixing optimization and hybrid curing development for a multi-waste 27 incorporated system are expected to be future research trend for waste stabilization in unfired 28 bricks. The comprehensive knowledge presented here is expected to support in the selection of 29 suitable manufacturing aspects, which in turn enhances the waste utilization in unfired bricks at 30 an industrial scale.