The problem in this study is the weak support and attention to coaching the West Sumatra PPLP football branch, still less than expected is still not optimal. So that the expected achievements and coaching of PPLP football have not been achieved. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the coaching and training program of PPLP for West Sumatra football. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) method. This research data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study were found in terms of context that the coaching process and also the training program process that had been implemented were in accordance with what was expected to have run with the vision and mission. In terms of input, it is still not maximal, it can be seen that the athlete rerukmen still does not involve psychologists and sports doctors, facilities and infrastructure are still not optimal, and the funds / budget allocated have run according to the rules but are still not optimal. Process Aspect in program implementation Evaluation and minotoring activities are running and carried out well, the implementation of the training program has gone well as expected, Communication / socialization of the program with athletes is quite maximal. In terms of Product achievement target West Sumatra Football The achievement of West Sumatra pplp athletes in the sport of football has reached the target and is optimal in coaching efforts and also the breeding of athletes can be seen the achievements that have been achieved by west Sumatra pplp football athletes.