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IntroductionOne of the main components of the properly organized process of the machine and equipment supervision in any enterprise is the choice and the use of a proper management strategy. The literature widely describes kinds of management strategies and the actions within them [5,9,10,14,17,40]. The implementation of the particular methods of machine and equipment supervision in an enterprise requires, however, periodic evaluation of the action effectiveness as well as of the state of the owned technical infrastructure. The degree of reliability of the information obtained is a basic condition for receiving positive final reports, and it facilitates taking proper decisions concerning preventive actions. There are many ways of obtaining information on the operation of particular machines and technological equipment. However, establishing what will be measured is the most important.Thus, the choice of the appropriate evaluation measures is crucial. These measuring metrics help to evaluate the key actions realized within machines maintenance and they indicate the efficiency of the actions taken in relation to the goals of an organization [6,10].The references define different measures of the machine supervision evaluation [22], among them e.g. OEE [8,18] or MTTR [7,11,21]. The references have also been reviewed for the measures used for the machine effectiveness evaluation in an industrial sector [24,33]. The correlation of the selected indicators with other evaluation methods was assessed as well [2,24].Moreover, the analysis of the references showed that there were also studies conducted concerning maintenance activities based on the MTTF values obtained [22]. The study, that was carried out, also regarded the evaluation of the OEE measure values obtained [2,18], the possibilities of its improvement [31,39] as well as its computer based (automated) calculation [30]. Different models of optimization of the machine maintenance were also presented [32].According to the authors, the analysed references lack a comprehensive comparative analysis of the machine evaluation measures practically applied that would take into account e.g. enterprise's size, industry, capital type, or production type. Additionally, in the articles analyzed, it is difficult to find any information on the problems of the enterprises regarding the application of the machine evaluation measures. This article indicates the basic measures of machine operation, and the ways of their calculating. Next, it was checked if these measures were being actually applied.
Katarzyna AnTosz
Measures of the machine operation effectiveness evaluationEffectiveness is one of the characteristics determining the properties in a set of items or systems. It is commonly understood as a property of an item (or system) which conditions the achievement level of the goals of an item or a system in the specified conditions of use a...