Microbial endoglucanases
belonging to the β-1–4 glycosyl
hydrolase family are useful enzymes due to their vast industrial applications
in pulp and paper industries and biorefinery. They convert lignocellulosic
substrates to soluble sugars and help in the biodegradation process.
Various biocomputational tools can be utilized to understand the catalytic
activity, reaction kinetics, complexity of active sites, and chemical
behavior of enzyme complexes in reactions. This might be helpful in
increasing productivity and cost reduction in industries. The present
review gives an overview of some interesting aspects of enzyme design,
including computational techniques such as molecular dynamics simulation,
homology modeling, mutational analysis, etc., toward enhancing the
quality of these enzymes. Moreover, the review also covers the aspects
of synthetic biology, which could be helpful in faster and reliable
development of useful enzymes with desired characteristics and applications.
Finally, the review also deciphers the utilization of endoglucanases
in biodegradation and emphasizes the use of diversified protein engineering
tools and the modification of metabolic pathways for enzyme engineering.