J. Inst. Brew. 117(3), 451-455, 2011Palmyrah distillery spent wash was used as an alternative to the predefined PYN medium (peptone, yeast extract, magnesium sulphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate and ammonium sulphate). In this study, the focus was on the utilization of spent wash from Sri Lankan palmyrah based distilleries to reduce the biological oxygen demand (BOD). To utilise the spent wash, it was supplemented with glucose and different nitrogen sources. Replacing PYN medium with spent wash and the increase in the glucose concentration led to a decrease in ethanol production. Hydrolysis of spent wash with a commercial protease (Neutrase) and supplementation with 200 gL -1 glucose produced 73.4 gL -1 ethanol. Among the different nitrogen sources supplemented 4.6 gL -1 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 increased ethanol production to 92.5 gL -1 indicating that the spent wash could be economically used to produce ethanol, while decreasing the BOD from 25,000 to 4,000 mgL -1 .