a De part ment of Au to mo bile En gi neer ing, Velammal En gi neer ing Col lege, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, In dia b De part ment of Au to mo bile En gi neer ing, Ma dras In sti tute of Tech nol ogy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, In dia Orig i nal sci en tific pa perThis pa per in ves ti gates the per for mance and emis sion char ac ter is tics of sin gle cylin der four stroke petrol en gine us ing un leaded gas o line with com bi na tion of eth anol and di ethyl ether. Ex haust emis sions were ana lysed for CO, HC, NO x , and CO 2 by vary ing en gine torque and en gine speed. The re sult showed that the blend of unleaded gas o line with di ethyl ether in creases the oc tane num ber which in turn increases the power out put which leads to in crease in the brake ther mal ef fi ciency of the en gine. The CO, HC, and NO x emis sions con cen tra tions in the en gine ex haust de creases while the CO 2 con cen tra tion in creases. The use of di ethyl ether and eth anol blends as a fuel ad di tive to un leaded gas o line causes an im prove ment in per formance and sig nif i cant re duc tion in ex haust emis sion. Key words: fuel ad di tive, gas o line-diethyl ether blend, ex haust emis sions Dhanapal, B., et al.: Influence of Diethyl Ether Blend in Spark Ignition Engine .