Tambak Lorok is an area that including in Community-Based Planning in Semarang which had through various processes, starting from the preparation process to the participatory planning stage. To get the desired environmental quality, this area design approach was carried out within the scope of urban planning known as urban design. This research was conducted to analyze the development strategy design based on the current condition of Tambak Lorok village. The research design carried out in this study was observational with the support of a qualitative approach. The data was resulted by direct and in-depth interviews. The process was intended to find out how did the needs and desires of the community and other stakeholders in addressing the arrangement and development of the research area. The conclusions were obtained from the study of implementation of the maritime village in Tambak Lorok were still not fully realized, this was due to the many difficulties and obstacles that caused progress to be unsustainable. For example, the plan did not work effectively because it only involves part of the community, so the community refused at the beginning of the work.