This study aims at determining the impact of uncontrolled criteria air pollutants on air quality. The research estimates the emissions of criteria air pollutants from existing and proposed cement production facilities using the emission factor approach. The emissions from the existing plants for particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ), oxides of nitrogen (NO x ), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), and lead ranged between 0.031 and 354,240 tons per annum; 9.07 and 31,953.6 tons per annum; 5.04 and 17,750 tons per annum; 0.173 and 621.12 tons per annum; and 0.033 and 354.72 tons per annum; respectively, while estimated values for proposed plants for PM, SO 2 , NO x , CO, and lead ranged between 1.2 and 134,995.2 tons per annum; 35.52 and 13,497.6 tons per annum; 19.728 and 7,497 tons per annum, 0.67 and 264 tons per annum; and 0.096 and 148.80 tons per annum; respectively. PM emissions had the highest values, while values for SO 2, NO x , CO, and Pb followed in decreasing order. Consistent use of emission control systems and substitution of kiln fuels with alternative fuels can help reduce the impact of cement production on air quality. K E Y W O R D S cement industry, criteria air pollutant, emission factor, emission inventory