Recently, multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) was added to the repertoire of tests available to study esophageal (patho)physiology in children. MII has since been used in 2 major areas. First, it has been used as a diagnostic test for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The main advantage over traditional pH monitoring is its ability to detect both acid and nonacid gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and to discern between liquid and gas GER.Although feasible with multiple pH sensors, the MII technique routinely detects the proximal extent of a GER episode. When a pH sensor is added to the MII-catheter, important information about the acidity of a GER event can be gathered.The second area in which the role of MII has been investigated is that of esophageal function testing. Manometry classically reveals information about esophageal pressure patterns and sphincter function, but does not inform us about bolus flow. MII not only detects the presence of esophageal flow but also adds information on the direction of flow, duration of bolus presence, completeness of bolus clearance, and composition of a bolus.The combination of MII with manometry enables determination of the relationship between esophageal pressures and flow and, therefore, enhances evaluation of esophageal function in terms of assessment of mechanisms of esophageal volume clearance. In addition, this technique will improve our understanding of (patho)physiological mechanisms in pediatric GERD and other esophageal motility disorders.