Quiz games are played on platforms such as television game shows, radio game shows, and recently, on mobile apps. In this study, HQ Trivia and SongPop 2 were chosen as the benchmark. Each game data have been collected for the analysis and the game refinement measure was employed for the assessment that focuses on different elimination tournament system for each sample. The results show that games such as HQ Trivia, which applies single-round elimination tournament, has a lower value of game refinement, in which the game is highly skillfull. Meanwhile, games that apply a round-robin system, such as SongPop 2 have a higher value of game refinement, in which the game is very stochastic. SongPop 2 and HQ Trivia both have more than 5 million downloads in Google Play Store. It is concluded that different types of quiz games which apply different kinds of tournament style have different game refinement value.