Objective: The determination of serum gammaglutamyl transferase (GGT),alkaline phosphatase(ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in patient with goitre in Owerri, Imo state Nigeria were investigated.
Material & Methods:Thirty confirmed patients with goitre age 50 to 70years with the following thyroid index (Total T 4 > 140.65±7.28nmol/l , Total T 3 > 2.43±0.96nmol/l, Free T 4 < 50.24±9.11nmol/l and TSH > 4.12±1.00nmol/l) were selected for the study. Thirty normal subjects free from goiter age 50 to 70 years were used as control. Patients with complications such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes were excluded.
Results:The level of serum gamaglutamyl transferase in goitre subjects was significantly higher (50.32 ±4.27 iu/l) when compared with control (17.50±3.94 iu/l) at P< 0.05. In the same vein the level of alkaline phosphatase was significantly higher (110.9m/l±12.92 iu/l) when compared with the control (56.3±12.06 iu/l) P<0.05. The levels of AST and ALT in goitre and control were not significant when compared with the control.
Conclusion:This observation shows that gammaglutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase are frequently increased in goitre. Hence, they are possibly thyroid dependent enzymes.