Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and KEK have been developing internal-tin-routeNbsSn conductors with high critical current density J c and low magnetization for high energy accelerators. The non-Cu J c values of the conventional internal-tin wire at 12 T and 4.2 K were about 1700 A/m 2 . These wires showed relatively high J c values but their large effective filament diameter d e ff indicated that they also had very large magnetization. To further improve the J c and d e ff of these wires, we have developed a wire with a new configuration. Called the Distributed Tin (DT) wire, it consists of Nb-filaments/Cu-matrix modules and Sn-core/Cu-matrix modules. The DT wire shows excellent superconducting properties, such as a non-Cu J c of 2120 A/mm 2 and a d e ff of 75 |am, which is almost as small as the diameter of Nb/Cu modules. In addition to having a high J c at 12 T, its J c at 20 T was also improved to 207 A/mm because of the increase of B C 2 and T c . The grain size distribution of the Nb 3 Sn filaments is far more uniform than that of the conventional wires, and we think this uniformity contributes to the improvement of these superconducting properties.