Abstract. Lower Hybrid Current Drive is an attractive option for non-inductive tokamak operation due to its high current drive efficiency and ability to drive current off axis. The parameters of the Alcator C-Mod LHCD system (f 0 = 4.6 GHz, B φ 5.5 T, n e 10 20 m −3 ) are similar to the proposed LHCD system on ITER. This paper will describe improvements in LHCD technology on C-Mod designed to increase single-pass absorption at high n e , extend pulse length (to > 3 s), and increase power delivered to the plasma by reducing reflection coefficients. Modeling of LH wave propagation indicates that the loss of LHCD efficiency at highern e can be mitigated by enhancing the single pass power absorption. To this end, an off mid-plane launcher has been designed combining the 4-way poloidal splitting concept of the current LH antenna on C-Mod with a toroidal bi-junction. The four rows of the launcher are located above the mid-plane in order to exploit the poloidal upshift of n || as rays propagate from the antenna into the plasma. The maximum LHCD pulse length was previously restricted to 0.5 s to prevent boiling of the klystron collector coolant. The Transmitter Protection System (TPS) was redesigned to model the coolant temperature in real time and shut off the klystron beam if the coolant is close to boiling. The TPS upgrade has been installed and operated on C-Mod for pulses up to 4.5 s into dummy loads and 1.0 s into the plasma. A new moveable local LH launcher protection limiter was designed to reduce reflection coefficients across a wide range of launcher positions while still providing effective protection from plasma heat flux. Initial high power (P net ∼ 700 kW) results show that lower reflection coefficients are achievable with the new limiter configuration as compared to the old configuration. Rapid degradation of power handling after boronization of the plasma facing surfaces, which does not occur with the fixed position limiters, highlights the need for the local protection limiter to provide sufficient protection from contamination during boronization.Advances in lower hybrid current drive technology on Alcator C-Mod 2 PACS numbers: 52.35. Hr, 52.50.Sw, 52.55.Wq Advances in lower hybrid current drive technology on Alcator C-Mod 3