To date, it is possible to produce a large number of variants of finished wood products. At the same time, each type of product requires its own production process, raw materials and different costs. The cost of the products will also vary. In addition to the above, a large number of parameters affect the portfolio of marketable products being formed. They have different degrees of influence, which makes it difficult to form a list of effective products. The purpose of these studies was to conduct a factor analysis of the formation of a portfolio of commercial logging products. The method of factor analysis and expert assessments was applied to the research. To conduct a factor analysis, 14 factors were identified in three groups (technical and technological, raw materials, economic and legislative). To assess the influence of factors on the choice of a portfolio of marketable products, experienced employees of the engineering and technical direction of logging enterprises were invited. According to the calculations carried out in the framework of the research, the opinions of experts are consistent. According to the research results, the demand for products; the market price of products; defects of raw materials (9%), as well as the required level of personnel qualification; the cost of production; the cost of raw materials and the purchasing power of the population (8%) have the greatest influence on the choice of a portfolio of marketable products to maximize the use of raw materials. The obtained data is planned to be used to compile mathematical models and form rational technological chains of the logging process for natural, climatic and production conditions.