Multi-kilojoule repetitive pulsed power technology moved from a laboratory environment into its first commercial application in 1997 as a driver for ion beam surface treatment. Sandia's RHEPP 11, a repetitive 2.5 kJ/pulse electron beam accelerator, has supported the development of radiation treatment processes for polymers and elastomers, food products, and high doserate effects testing for defense programs since early 1996. Dos Lineas, an all solid-state testbed, has demonstrated synchronization techniques for parallel magnetic modulator systems and is continuing the development of design standards for long lifetime magnetic switches and voltage adders at a shot rate capability that exceeds 5x106 pulses per day. This paper will describe progress in multi-kilojoule class repetitive pulsed power technology development, limitations of magnetic switching technology for accelerator and modulator applications, and future research and development directions.weapons, and fusion energy sources will require cost effective RHEPP class systems. Applications such as compact portable pulsed power sources, large-scale KrF laser drivers for inertial confinement fusion, and burstmode pulsed power systems for advanced hydrodynamic radiography will continue to drive the development of RHEPP technology. Although magnetic switching has matured to the point of being a credible solution for many applications, new concepts will be required in the future to reduce the size, weight, and cost of RHEPP class systems.
A. Repetitive Pulsed Accelerator TechnologyThe RHEPP I1 accelerator system, shown in Fig. 1, has demonstrated the capabilities of magnetic switching and repetitive Linear Induction Voltage Adders (LIVA's) to be a reliable technology for producing multi-kilojoule pulsed electron beams at high average power levels.