Frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy (AFM) with a qPlus sensor allows one to atomically resolve surfaces in a variety of environments ranging from low-temperature in ultra-high vacuum to ambient and liquid conditions. Typically, the tip is driven to oscillate vertically, giving a measure of the vertical force component. However, for many systems, the lateral force component provides valuable information about the sample. Measuring lateral and vertical force components simultaneously by oscillating vertically and laterally has so far only been demonstrated with relatively soft silicon cantilevers and optical detection. Here, we show that the qPlus sensor can be used in a biaxial mode with electrical detection by making use of the first flexural mode and the length extensional mode. We describe the necessary electrode configuration as well as the electrical detection circuit and compare the length extensional mode to the needle sensor. Finally, we show atomic resolution in ambient conditions of a mica surface and in ultra-high vacuum of a silicon surface. In addition to this, we show how any qPlus AFM setup can be modified to work as a biaxial sensor, allowing two independent force components to be recorded.