The results of predictions concerning the long-term corrosion losses of structural metals in the continental territory of Russia with rural atmospheres and in certain locations with urban atmospheres are presented. A power-linear model is used to predict long-term corrosion losses. Two variants for estimating the coefficients in the model are used. The first variant is presented in ISO 9224 international standard (ISO variant). In the second variant (the new variant), new doseresponse functions (DRF N ) were used to predict the first-year corrosion losses of metals. In the new variant, the time for corrosion rate stabilisation (τ stab ) is taken to be 6 years. Moreover, the stochastic relationship between the n coefficient, which characterises the protective properties of corrosion products, with the atmosphere corrosivity is used. Based on the predictions obtained for long-term corrosion losses, mapping of the territory of Russia is given for the two variants.