Modifikasi pati dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sifat fungsional pati dan memperluas penggunaan pati dalam produk pangan. Modifikasi pati menjadi dekstin dapat dilakukan baik secara fisik, kimiawi, atau kombinasi fisiko-kimia. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi pati dengan kombinasi pregelatinisasi-steam explosion (Pregel-SE), dan kombinasi pregelatinisasi-asam sitrat-steam explosion pada pH 4 (pregel-pH-SE4) dan pH 3 (pregel-pH-SE3) untuk produksi dekstrin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh metode hidrolisis terbaik dalam pembuatan dekstrin. Produk yang dihasilkan diamati tingkat kelarutan, berat molekul (Mw), dextrose equivalent (DE), Spectra Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), SEM, dan viskositas pasta. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terbaik modifikasi pati menjadi dekstrin diperoleh pada perlakuan pregel-pH3-SE. Pada perlakuan ini diperoleh kelarutan 75,94 %, berat molekul 60100 g/mol dan DE 15,92%. Pita vibrasi baru terlihat di wilayah bilangan gelombang 1717 cm-1 pada analisis FTIR. Hasil SEM menunjukkan bahwa bentuk granula pati yang bulat sudah tidak terlihat setelah kombinasi perlakuan. Pengujian RVA menunjukkan penurunan viskositas berkorelasi positif terhadap penurunan berat molekul, peningkatan kelarutan dan DE setelah kombinasi perlakuan ditingkatkan. Starch modification is performed to improve the functional properties of starch and starch utilization in food products. Modification of starch, such as dextrin, can be performed by physical and chemical methods, or a combination method, such as physico-chemical. In this research, starch modification was carried out by a combination between pregelatinization and steam explosion (Pregel-SE), a combination between pregelatinization, citric acid and steam explosion at pH 4 (Pregel-pH-SE4) and at pH 3 (Pregel-pH-SE3) for the production of dextrin. The objective of this research was to obtain the best method for dextrin production. The results were observed, such as levels of solubility, molecular weight (Mw), dextrose equivalent (DE), Spectra Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), SEM, and pasting properties (RVA). The results showed that the best condition of starch modification for dextrin production was obtained by Pregel-pH3-SE. Solubility, molecular weight, and DE of dextrin were 75.94%, 60100 g/mol, and 15.92%, respectively. A new peak was observed in the region of the wavenumber 1.717 cm-1 at FTIR analysis. SEM analysis indicated that the round form of starch granules did not observed after the treatments. RVA analysis showed that the decrease in viscosity was correlated with a decrease in molecular weight, an increase in solubility, and DE after the treatments.