Cerebral Palsy (CP) is known as one type of disabilities that affects children. CP is an 'umbrella' for all chronic neurologic disorders which was manifested in movement control disorders. They arise early in life, commonly initiated with non-progressive diseases [1]. This neurological condition causes problems in body movement and muscle control that can inhibit the development of children's speech. The inhibition of speech development in CP is caused by the stiffness of the muscles around the mouth and face. It causes the children with CP having difficulty coordinating their speech organs. In CP, there is a disorder occurs that causes the muscles to move on their own without realizing it. This disorder is called dystonia. Regarding the development of speech on CP where the development is affected by the stiffness of the muscles around the mouth, then dystonia can be an indication of the severity level of CP. Based on dystonia that occurs on CP, CP can be classified into 4 severity levels: Slight, Mild, Moderate, and Severe. In Slight level, dystonia occurs less than 10% of the time and doesn't interfere with speech. Whereas in mild level of severity, dystonia occurs less than 50% and doesn't interfere with the speech. In moderate level, speech impairments caused by dystonia in CP begin to suffer where the dystonia is more than 50% of the time. Even at severe level, children with CP are difficult to move his/her mouth [2],[3]. Dystonia that occurs in CP causes CP speech has unique characteristics like "slurred," "choppy," or "mumbled" that may be difficult to understand. CP speech is also at a slow rate and the rapid rate in mumbling quality. Voice quality changes in CP, such as hoarse and breathy voice or speech that sounds "nasal" or "stuffy", are caused by limited tongue,