Isolated kinks on thermally fluctuating (1/2) 111 screw, 100 edge and (1/2) 111 edge dislocations in bcc iron are simulated under zero stress conditions using molecular dynamics (MD). Kinks are seen to perform stochastic motion in a potential landscape that depends on the dislocation character and geometry, and their motion provides fresh insight into the coupling of dislocations to a heat bath. The kink formation energy, migration barrier and friction parameter are deduced from the simulations. A discrete Frenkel-Kontorova-Langevin (FKL) model is able to reproduce the coarse grained data from MD at ∼10 −7 of the computational cost, without assuming an a priori temperature dependence beyond the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Analytic results reveal that discreteness effects play an essential rôle in thermally activated dislocation glide, revealing the existence of a crucial intermediate length scale between molecular and dislocation dynamics. The model is used to investigate dislocation motion under the vanishingly small stress levels found in the evolution of dislocation microstructures in irradiated materials.Dislocation motion is limited by two general processes, the formation and migration of kinks and pinning by impurities and other defects 1 . In this paper we investigate the motion of kink-limited screw and edge dislocations in bcc Fe, where the kink formation energy is much larger than the thermal energy. To obtain dislocation motion on the time-scales accessible to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations some researchers have resorted to inducing kink formation by applying stresses some six orders of magnitude greater than those pertaining experimentally 2,3 .But dislocation core structures and Peierls barriers are known to be highly stress-dependent 4 , making it difficult to relate simulation to the vanishingly low stress conditions found in thermally activated evolution of dislocation microstructures.To avoid the problem of nucleating kinks in MD simulations we use periodic boundary conditions which enforce the existence of an isolated kink on each dislocation line in the supercell. This allows us to study the detailed dynamics of kink migration in isolation, a crucial and previously unexplored aspect of kink-limited dislocation motion, as seperate from the kink nucleation process. Under no applied stress, kinks are seen to undergo stochastic motion in a potential landscape that varies with the dislocation character and Burgers vector. A coarse graining procedure is introduced, that facilitates statistical analysis yielding many properties of the kink motion, and which provides physical insight into the coupling of dislocations to the heat bath. In particular, the friction parameter for a dislocation is found to be temperature-independent, contradicting decades of theoretical work since Liebfried 5 . But this temperature-independence is seen in many other investigations of dislocations 2,3,6 with a large lattice resistance and in the stochastic motion of point defects 8,9 , although to the best of our ...